ME....The Good the Bad and the Ugly

Hey folks

Thanks for coming to my blog on the trials and tribulations of Hodgkins Lymphoma.  This is the first blog and I want to give you a little background on the strange world you have decided to partake in.

First and foremost, it is a hard realization when you have been diagnosed with cancer.  As cancer goes, this is a good one to have, sort of like deciding which type of gun would you rather be shot with " a .22 is so much more survivable than a .357."  They both stink, but you know where I'm going with this metaphor.  Understand this a journey that most will go through, the fact you are reading this shows your willingness to jump on board and share it with me.

Thank you, but let's get a few ground rules in place before we begin.

This is MY view on what is going on around me and is not intended to make a broader statement concerning cancer, its implications or its politics.  If you are of the activist type, please know that I am not.  My main concern right now is how much of my finely quaffed hair will end up in the shower drain, not too concerned about cancer research, support groups or governmental funding.  Yes this may be short sighted, but I'm 45 and being short sighted is a natural occurrence as you age.

Please understand that my viewpoints come from a very simple understanding of what a quality life means.  Tomorrow my youngest and I will spend the day in the garage working on his YZ 85.  We will be wrenching the whole day away, listening to 80's rock and me smoking a quality briar with even better quality baccy, probably my last one for a while.  The day after that, I will be teaching my oldest on the finer points of changing the oil on a 95 Nissan Pathfinder.  Good Times!!

God, Family, Country...or sometimes Family, Country, God....or maybe Country, God, Family....This is my natural, really simple order of the universe.  As you can see, they will get mixed up, divide by 3, then reduced to the lowest common denominator, but they are a constant that has always added meaning and purpose to my existence.  If you can't find value in at least one of these than I feel sorry for you.  You are probably a very confused and misdirected soul looking for answers in the short term instead of the long term, blaming your mother for her being human and only finding satisfaction in your most recent purchase, which you will bury in a closet never to be seen again.

I have an absolute belief in God, but I am not in any way an evangelist.  I'm a recovering Baptist and have found a wonderful home at the First United Methodist Church of Castle Rock.  My guiding principal is Matthew 5:9, which really explains my career choices in life.

Lastly, I will never mention anyone, air dirty laundry or use this as an attack machine.  Some of my musings will probably amalgamate scenarios and folks to get my point across but there will never be harm directed at anyone, situations yes, but you NO.  I promise to be honest, little to no P.C. but all real.

Good luck

Fun with cue balls

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