My first treatment was on February 24 2015, today is July 09 2015.   My last treatment should be on July 28 2015 then just chemo sick through the middle of August.  The chemo was every 14 days on the dot, no misses, this is really important for long term survival.  So in a nutshell, about 6 months of chemo then the recovery process.  I've been told to expect up to 1 month of recovery for every month of chemo, I hope it doesn't take that long but we will see.  

So this is where I am last PET scan was good except for the "caseating granuloma" located in my pelvis.  My oncologist said that these granuloma's are associated with an increased survival rate BUT I really need to have surgery to make sure there is nothing nefarious in there.  Yea, I said it...nefarious...not bad with my chemo brain.  The surgery should be around the first week of September, we need to wait for my bone marrow to be healthy enough to support the immune response required of surgery.  Now for some of the more fun side effects that have really come to light lately.

Chemo Brain:  Holy crap on a cracker, this is a real issue.  I can't tell you how much I forget and get stuff mixed up like days, times, who I spoke to and what we talked about.  I wonder when this is over, does it hurt when your brain comes back?  It is a large whooshing sound followed by a bright light or is it a more gradual process.  I'll let you know.

Eye Sight:  My eyes have gotten so bad, the computer screen is blurry as I type this.  Maybe that is normal for the more visually impaired but it is not normal for me.  The oncologist says this is normal and my eyes will come back after the chemo is over.  I love to read but it tires me out so bad that I haven't been able to do it during the chemo.  My goal was to read Lord of the Rings again but my fear is that my eyeballs would fall out after the first few pages.  

Neuropathy:  Imagine having 100 needles attached to your fingers, pointy end toward the skin.  This is neuropathy.  If I grab something wrong or accidentally flick my finger on something it will bring me to my knees.  My fingers have swollen into small sausages and in the event of an apocalypse they will make a great breakfast treat for my family.   

That's it for now, thanks for the prayers and taking a moment to read the blog.