
Hey everyone.....this will be a quick update.  

Last week  completely sucked!!!  I went to the doctor on Tuesday and came back with a bronchitis diagnosis that the doc was concerned would turn into pneumonia.  So three prescriptions later, and now a week of antibiotics, I am feeling pretty good.  It is really incredible how any little thing is magnified when doing chemotherapy.  Usually, the off week is pretty good, but it took until Thursday to begin to get out of the funk.  Which brings me to a new mental attitude.

I GIVE UP!!!!!  No not on the cancer, but on the treatments.  Let me explain.  Up until this last treatment, my mindset was to "tough" it out.  Take as little meds as possible, believing I would be better off and more healthy without them.  Yep, sticking my chemoport laden chest out and daring them to zap me, I can take it.  Well, evidently I would make a horrible POW, because I have relented to the torture and now meds are my best friend.  

That is 10 meds in the picture above.  Most are taken as needed and I need them a lot!!  There are stomach meds, inhalers, antibiotics, protonics, cough pills and common aspirin.  Prior to this I took NOTHING, maybe some ibuprofen, but that was it.  Now I feel like a druggie waiting to get my fix to feel better. 

My hope is, that by the end of August, I am off all this stuff, but thank God that modern medicine  has them.  What was it like to have chemo 20 years ago before they could control the nausea or the excess stomach acid?  Folks would lose huge amounts of weight on chemo, I am getting fat..fat...fat.  I really can't complain too much.

My last treatment should be on July 28, that means 5 more to go, and they just can't go fast enough.  

Stay thirsty my friend!!!